MasterLine II
e concentrico ѓубриво for aquarium lithe. Sodry nitrogen, фосфор, kalium and magnesia. Se preporachova da se corsti “MasterLine II” It's a good time. “MasterLine I” and “MasterLine Carbo”. On the ovos, spread the queaning gi imaat site stored matter of neo-op for commonality growth. “MasterLine II” nudi can't be for a dosirie on a non-domestic basis.
-Daily dose:
A lot of light (> 0,5 vati for litar) + Bos 1 ml on 30 littry
Ambassadoro (<0,5 vati on litar) + Bos 1 ml on 50 littry
-Not a good dose
-A lot of light (> 0,5 vati for litar) + Bos 7 ml on 30 littry
– Mala Svetlana (<0,5 vati on litar) + Bos 7 ml on 50 littry
Preporachanata dose e self-neglect. In the hovering ode to the aquarium, dosage on the ѓубриво may be here or zgolemy for yes ze comprehended optimals result.
Not to be used in combination with active chagal or UV sterilizer, bidets for progery or technologists can but do so.. Protreset go shisheto good before consumption. Yes se chuva on a well place without directing son of a son of light.