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Vitaminsko dodatok mineralen in ishranata the seniori – vozrasni kuchiњa
Neto: 120GR

Seniori – vozrasnite kuchiњa pot-rebuy imaat od poveќe attention and pampering mladite otkolku kuchiњa, pogotovo Koi imaat tendenciјa Rasi golemite on pobrzo stareeњe otkolku malite Rasi. With vleguvaњe in poodminati years in the history of the elder Kako kaј nivnite luѓeto and stareat organizations, with Toa that CE metabolizmot usporuva, vareњeto and apsorpciјata the hranlivi matter usporena e and poslaba. From stareeњeto doaѓa to poјava on different problems and TOA: artritisi, problems with cirkulaciјata, bubrezhni zaboluvaњa, slabeeњe on sluhot, vidot and mirisot, problems with zabite, zglobovite and SL. Semavit Gdansk with formula svoјata izbalansirana kombinaciјa on esenciјalni vitamins, minerals, antioksidansi and amino kiselini Kako in svoјot meѓuseben Odnos Taka and in Exchange the odnosot, and with ovoј production prilagodenite fizioloshki kaј consumer vozrasnite kuchiњa – seniori, Guy sprechuva guy usporuva and odlozhuva problemite and ovozmozhuva sreќni, ispolneti and sodrzhaјni izminati on käytetty vasheto heap.
The composition of the: Proteini 10%, Suit 0,6%, Kalcium 5%, Phosphorus 3%.
Sodrzhina on kg: Vitamin A 1,500,000 I.E., Vitamin D3 100,000 I.E., Vitamin E 15,000 mg, Vitamin K3 250 mg, Vitamin B1 2,600 mg, Vitamin B2 2,400 mg, Vitamin B6 2,000 mg, Vitamin B12 4 mg, Vitamin Ts 50,000 mg, Kalpan 4,000 mg, Niacin 10,000 mg, Biotin H2 20 mg, Folna kiselina 100 mg, Iron 4,000 mg, Bakar 200 mg, Zinc 2,500 mg, Mangan 1,500 mg, Ginkgo biloba 1,200 mg, Kobalt 40 mg, Јod 80 mg, Selenium 3 mg, Methionine 15,000 mg, Lysine 10,000 mg, Taurine 50,000 mg.
Sodrzhina on pomoshni supstancii: Pivski kvasec, celuloza, Silicone dioksit, Ginkgo biloba stearate.