MasterLine Nitrate 500ml

590 ден


MasterLine Nitrate

e macro-stealth ѓубриво a stock of nitrogen in the form on a nitrate and complemented by potassium. Nitrogen e the main store of the mother for the shading of the koya is not expensive for the health of the growth and the correct. Aquarium lack on nitrogen ambition e previscan od process for denitification. You can szeses from the dodava on “MasterLine Nitrate” By demand. “MasterLine Nitrate” Can yes se combine with a site of each ѓубрива with a single component.


  • 1 ml nitrate on 30 Aquarium water gi doda traces stored matter:NO3 1 mg / l K 0,63 mg / (l)
  • nitrate se dosira kako sto e need ako concentration on nitrate se namali under 5 mg / (l). Preporachanata dose e self-neglect. In the hovering ode to the aquarium, dosage on the ѓубриво may be here or zgolemy for yes ze comprehended optimals result.


Protreset go shisheto good before consumption. Yes se chuva on a well place without directing son of a son of light.
Avoiding the use of the UV Lambie, bidets and tie dolonesovaat for a slob on the elementite of the sedrage in a solution.