MasterLine All In One Golden 500ml

1.190 ден


“MasterLine All in One Golden”

It's a case of one line on the professional ѓубрива a combination of micro and macronutrienti e specially developed for a sieve aquarium rasta. Oova ѓубриво the weather for the aquariums in the coi supplemental se dodava and CO2. Hemiskata form on the elementite sorzrzhani in ѓубривото of the pomaga and maybe forest da se apsorbir ode tinged. Toa resulting with a common-sense growth on the core and aquariums of the concealed-all. The se of the pre-balachuva coriste on “MasterLine All in One Golden” It's a good time. “MasterLine Carbo” for supplying the aquarium at the aquarium, the concealed-and-so-preserved matter for the health of the growth and the correct.


Daily dose

-A lot of light (> 0,5 vati for litar) + Bos 1 ml on 30 littry

-Ambassadoro (<0,5 vati on litar) + Bos 1 ml on 50 littry

The drug is required and se coristi in combination with supplemental supply with CO2. Preporachanata dose e self-neglect. In the hovering ode to the aquarium, dosage on the ѓубриво may be here or zgolemy for yes ze comprehended optimals result.


Do not use the combination with activeiran jeaglen or UV sterilizer, You can use the ѓубривото. Protreset go shisheto good before consumption. Yes se chuva on a well place without directing son of a son of light.