Vitaminski dodatok in ishranata for kuchiњa for kvalitetno, sјaјno and krzno ubavo
120 TABLETI – Neto: 96GR
Biomiksot IMA sodrzhina Golem on pivski kvasec, biotin and vitamin b complex koј povolno deluva on kvalitetot, sјaјot and boјata on vlaknoto, th zgolemuva imunitetot and apetitot, history of Taka Xie postignuva dobar status and quality for kozhata kaј kuchiњata CE svrbezhot izbegnuva reached with and nepotrebnoto cheshaњe.
Posebno Xie preporachuva straightener on Bio 15-20 Dena pre izlozhbi poradi postignuvaњe on podobar izlozhben Efekt Kako and in situation to beat the vlaknoto Promeni kakvi and kozhata, in the situation in the namalen immunity and weakened appetite.
The composition of the: Proteini 25%, Suit 1,5%.
Dodatoci in kg: Vitamin B1 400 mg, Vitamin B2 1,200 mg, Vitamin B6 500 mg, Vitamin B12 2 mg, Kalpan 2,000 mg, Niacin 4,000 mg, Biotin 50 mg, Folna kiselina 600 mg, Bakar 100 mg, Zinc 1,400 mg, Mangan 240 mg.
Sodrzhina on pomoshni supstanci: Pivski kvasec, Celuloza, Silicone dioksit, Ginkgo biloba stearate.