6.490 ден


“SUNSUN CW-120” The circular pumpa with the snare of degrees for de-de-de-administration and qualifier..

Computer example:
A little gutterism ode 5 Vati mean 43,8 kWh pomalku godishno.

Circus pumpie se important in waterchristina, Especially for aquarium from the sea water bidei on the coralite and on some species of ribi they e it needs natural circulating on water.Tie sys to the tacos of the ataka for aquariums in the living African cyclidi.

Circulate pumpi treba da ya simuliraat taa nature circulating in aquarium.
Honestpari's circulatory pupdi se instalaraat e unsympathetically with the whole dobie "difuzen duct.".

“SUNSUN CW-120” 45 In a sekoa saco. Isto taka and iz-zasna on the circulatory pumpa 45 In a sekoa saco.

Energy on the pumpate e 700-8000 littry to h with potroshuvachka on energiјa od itself 20 vathi. Oskata e one pottery and guaranteeer of a debt belly eyelid on the aquarium pump.

Rotor on the puppat for the compass on the aquarium of the se on the structure on the broadway and on that the starting production is stable and wide jet with minimal gutterism on energy.

Siete elektronsy businesses sylle with epoxide resin and with toa se zastietenon on optimal filling filling.

“SUNSUN CW-120” 70 See up 120 see.