Tetra DecoArt Crven Foxtel
Siliconreplica replica on the aquatic plant crwen Foxtel.
Neo-Obibiceniet of the Sieled and crvenata boi go go i.r. Foxteilot is a populist for creating a contrast with the other water stenaina. Cheesto sy coristi and for shouting at the technician of the odopo kako filtri and the Greeks. From the ogled to the toa stywskite water spread stenys of honesty to live sweatsate ako se se se se se se venni in the near on the filrite or warm, tawata oprema nema no efecth vz veschatkata verzia. Iaco can't do a ton of features on a vistin plant, ova replica sepak desopose anaesthetized single place for living up for ribite and pogol success with reproduction.
Size C (15 cm).